Successful advocacy from a trade association relies on an engaged membership, and TIPRO has long benefited from informed, active participants of the organization. Below find information on the different committees and task forces TIPRO offers to provide an enhanced membership experience:
TIPRO State Issues Committee – Chair: Fasken Oil and Ranch, Ltd.
The core operation of TIPRO revolves around legislative advocacy, and the association’s State Issues Committee is the lifeblood of those efforts. Currently comprised of members representing 21 companies of various size, operational focus and regional influence, TIPRO’s State Issues Committee meets on a weekly basis during the Legislative Session and on a monthly basis during the interim. The committee is in charge of monitoring, discussing and approving legislative advocacy efforts for TIPRO.
TIPRO Regulatory Issues Committee – Chair: Pioneer Natural Resources
While the state legislature only meets 140 days every other year, regulatory authorities at the local, state and federal levels are creating new policies on a daily basis that can negatively impact upstream operations of the oil and natural gas industry. The TIPRO Regulatory Committee is a great opportunity for members looking to stay engaged on matters pertaining to new rules and regulations that could impact their bottom line. Typically meeting on a monthly basis, the committee oversees TIPRO’s involvement on proposed new regulations, as well as meets to discuss submitting new proposals on behalf of the industry.
TIPRO Legal Committee
It is an unfortunate fact, but there is an increasing trend for those who are opposed to our industry to turn to litigation when they cannot accomplish their objectives through statutory or regulatory means. TIPRO’s Legal Committee advises the organization when there are opportunities to get involved as an interested party over landmark issues faced by the industry.
TIPRO Federal Issues Task Force
The TIPRO Federal Issues Task Force is responsible for guiding TIPRO’s federal policy positions and strategies. This group meets on an as needed basis and provides regular updates via email.
TIPRO Water Task Force
Water is a critical resource for all life on Earth, and the oil & gas industry is no exception. Thanks to new technologies, TIPRO members have made extraordinary strides in the field of water conservation, including some operators who are able to use 100 percent recycled produced water during their operations, completely eliminating their need for fresh water. Promoting good stewardship and fostering innovation is a key focus of the association’s Water Task Force.
TIPRO Transportation Task Force
Transportation has long been a key issue for TIPRO and its members, and as the energy industry continues to grow, we have to ensure that adequate transportation infrastructure exists to meet the demand. The TIPRO Transporation Task Force is a select group of members who are dedicated to addressing road infrastructure needs across the state of Texas.
TIPRO Local Issues Task Force
Texas is comprised of 254 counties, with over 1,200 cities spread across the state’s 268,597 square miles; put another way, you could fit the state of Rhode Island into Texas more than 220 times. With a state this size, it’s easy to understand how a patchwork of ordinances by various local governments can become an extreme burden for any business owner whose operations reach beyond their doorstep. Our Local Issues Task Force is called upon to monitor the ongoing efforts of our county commissioner courts and city councils to ensure that the oil & natural gas industry is not unduly regulated at the local level.