Austin, TX – Today members of the Senate Committee on Natural Resources & Economic Development voted to approve Senate Bill 1165, a legislative measure that would assert the state’s exclusive jurisdiction over oil and natural gas development in Texas.
S.B. 1165 preserves the authority of local governments, and protects the ability for a municipality to address resident’s concerns related to surface activity that is incident to oil and gas operations, including, but not limited to, commercially-reasonable noise, traffic, lighting and siting provisions. However, the legislation also affirms and defines the state’s role in oil and gas regulation by expressing that municipalities may not regulate aspects of oil and gas activity that are already under the exclusive jurisdiction of the state. The Texas Railroad Commission and the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality oversee the oil and gas industry with comprehensive, environmentally-soundregulations that cover all aspects of oil and gas development. Ordinances or referendums unrelated to oil and natural gas would not be affected by S.B. 1165.
“We commend this legislative committee for recognizing the need to address this important issue, and voting today to approve S.B. 1165,” said Ed Longanecker, president of the Texas Independent Producers & Royalty Owners Association (TIPRO). “The oil and gas industry requires an environment of regulatory certainty and stability. Through this piece of legislation, a careful balance is struck between preserving local authority of city governments while also establishing a sensible regulatory structure provided by the state so as to allow ongoing development of mineral resources in Texas.”