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New Report – “Texas Grid Security: Natural Gas Critical For Reliability With Increasing Electricity Demand”

Austin, Texas — Today, Texans for Natural Gas (TNG), an educational campaign of the Texas Independent Producers and Royalty Owners Association (TIPRO), released a new report titled “Texas Grid Security: Natural Gas Critical for Reliability With Increasing Electricity Demand.” The report highlights the vital role natural gas will play in supporting the state’s growing need for reliable and affordable power.


“Texas policy leaders are addressing the need for more dispatchable power generation to meet the unprecedented demand that data centers, Artificial Intelligence (AI), electrification of industries, and population growth will create on our Texas grid in the coming years,” said Ed Longanecker, TIPRO president and TNG spokesperson. In response to this increased demand, the state of Texas is implementing several programs aimed at ensuring reliable and affordable electricity. Among these is the new $5 billion Texas Energy Fund (TEF), a loan program designed to support the construction, maintenance, modernization, and operation of electric-generating facilities.


“With this growing electricity demand in our state, the role of natural gas will be more critical than ever,” Longanecker added. “Natural gas will continue to play a dominant role in providing a reliable baseload supply for decades to come. Further investment in domestic production, infrastructure, and natural gas power generation will be essential to meet this demand.”

Key findings of the report include: 

  • – Texas experienced an approximate 1.7 percent annual electricity demand growth, aligning with the 1.6 percent population growth through 2022. Over 25,000 new businesses opened in Texas from 2010 to 2019.
  • – Texas has become a central hub for power-intensive sectors. The surging power grid demand is driven by factors such as the rise of AI, data centers, crypto mining and the electrification of a number of industries, including oil and natural gas operations.
  • – U.S. data centers will strategically be placed near natural gas basins, and Texas has become one of the most attractive U.S. states for this growing industry, in large part due to its welcoming business environment and its flourishing natural gas production, thanks to the prolific Permian Basin.
  • – Texas has a balanced electricity grid, with natural gas and renewables accounting for approximately 45 percent and 40 percent, respectively, of the state’s energy grid. This balance provides a reliable baseload and the ability to quickly ramp up natural gas-generated electricity when renewable resources are unavailable.
  • – Natural gas is essential in supplying dispatchable power to meet demand when solar and wind are limited. During the recent solar eclipse in April 2024, natural gas was crucial in compensating for the drop in solar generation experienced in Texas.

To read the full report, click here.

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