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On Tuesday, January 13, the 84th Texas Legislature convened, kicking off the start of the regular legislative session. As part of the day’s activities, elected legislators took the oath of office. The Texas House of Representatives also re‐ elected Representative Joe Straus (R‐San Antonio) to another term as speaker of the House, with a vote of 127 to 19. Meanwhile, in the Senate chamber, Lieutenant Governor David Dewhurst formally called the Senate to order. Senators selected Senator Juan “Chuy” Hinojosa as president pro tempore of the 84th Legislature.

The Texas legislature, which meets every two years for 140 days, is required to pass a state budget and consider legislative proposals. Throughout the 84th Session, TIPRO remains committed to monitoring all developments on policy initiatives pertaining to the Texas oil and gas industry, and will advocate on behalf of membership to protect the ability to explore for and produce oil and natural gas.

“TIPRO’s consensus driven agenda directly reflects the challenges and opportunities facing the Texas oil and gas industry, whether economic or policy in nature,” commented Ed Longanecker, president of TIPRO. “We encourage all members of this critically important industry to engage in the process by participating in TIPRO’s regular legislative and regulatory committee meetings, by attending our events, and continuing to support our direct advocacy efforts.”

If you have an interest in participating in any of the following TIPRO committees, please contact Lindsey Skinner or Servando Esparza at (512) 477‐4452.

TIPRO State Issues Committee ‐ Chair: Pioneer Natural Resources Co.

The TIPRO State Issues Committee exists to evaluate policy decisions facing TIPRO and develop recommendations to the Board regarding a TIPRO position and course of action on any state legislative and/or regulatory matters. The committee meets in person (with a call‐in option available) every week during session and periodically during the interim. All TIPRO members are welcome to participate in this committee either in person or by phone.

TIPRO Regulatory Issues Committee ‐ Chair: EXCO Resources

The TIPRO Regulatory Issues Committee was formed to examine and respond to any regulatory developments that may have significant impact upon the production of oil and/or natural gas in the United States, with a primary focus on the state of Texas. The regulatory committee differs from the TIPRO State Issues Committees by focusing its efforts on the technical review and impact of regulatory actions, rather than the broader public policy impact. The group will coordinate as needed to combine their expertise with that of the association’s task forces and State Issues Committee to provide appropriate response measures to regulatory actions taken by state and federal agencies.

TIPRO Federal Issues Task Force ‐ Chair: Apache Corp.

The TIPRO Federal Issues Task Force is responsible for guiding TIPRO’s federal policy positions and strategies. Final TIPRO policy positions are overseen and decided upon by the TIPRO Board of Directors. This group meets frequently throughout the year.

TIPRO Transportation Task Force ‐ Chair: Pioneer Natural Resources Co.

The TIPRO Roads Task Force is charged with intensive study of the dynamics surrounding transportation infrastructure affected by oil and natural gas operations in Texas, and evaluation of the associated challenges in state and county road upkeep and financing. The roads task force works to identify unique avenues of legislative and regulatory action where TIPRO involvement can bring about positive change in this arena. The group reports and makes recommendations to the State Issues Committee.

TIPRO Water Task Force ‐ Chair: Concho Resources

The TIPRO Water Task Force examines all water issues related to oil and natural gas development, including water quantity, quality, production, protection, disposal and alternatives. This task force also reports and makes recommendations to the State Issues Committee.

TIPRO Local Issues Task Force ‐ Chair: Quicksilver Resources

The TIPRO Local Issues Task Force attempts to address questions of primacy in the regulation of oil and natural gas operations by state agencies in comparison to municipal governments. The task force reports and makes recommendations to the State Issues Committee.

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